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Uncovering Boarding School Records

Uncovering Boarding School Records

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SDSU Briggs Library
1300 N. Campus Drive
Brookings, SD 57007-0001 United States
March 25
6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
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Dr. Michelle Night Pipe will present findings from a Mellon Fellowship project with the Pipestone National Monument that studied boarding school records. The project, titled “Pipestone Indian School Truth and Education Fellowship,” utilized a newly created digital database of school records to uncover and interpret the history of the Pipestone Indian School. The school operated from 1893-1953 as part of a national system designed to tear Native children from their families, communities, and culture. Dr. Night Pipe worked closely with tribal partners to co-create interpretive media that shines light on children’s experiences, the lasting trauma felt by Indigenous people today, and the multi-generational work of healing.

Dr. Night Pipe received a PhD in anthropology from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey and a Master’s in anthropology from the University of Nebraska. She is a writer and researcher who explores the potential to reduce stereotyping and prejudice against contemporary Indigenous communities in the US through discourse on past atrocities committed against Native American people. Her work includes ethnographic research with the South Dakota-based Sacred Horse Society, an intertribal Oceti Sakowin group.

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