Art Journaling is creating a visual diary, combining scrapbooking, writing, drawing painting, photographs or found objects. Artist Eileen Binkley will help you create collage images that reflect a memory, place, emotion, season, etc. All supplies included in the cost of the class.
the Library will host a screening and discussion of the documentary “Warrior Women”. Warrior Women is the story of Madonna Thunder Hawk, an AIM leader who shaped a kindred group of activists' children - including her daughter Marcy - into the "We Will Remember" Survival School as a Native alternative to government-run education. Together, Madonna […]
Join us at Kool Beans for Coffee with Vets every Third Wednesday at 11am, where we'll discuss programs and topics of interest to the Veteran community. Free coffee, camaraderie and guest speakers.
Ages 3-5 | Drop Off Optional | Registration Required | $20 ($16 members) Preschool camps offer a great opportunity to make new friends, learn new skills, and have fun adventures. With our hands-on approach to learning, remember to dress for a mess!
Join Brookings Public Library for a movie with snacks and coloring!
Enjoy a night at the theatre with Brookings Community Theatre's performance of Agatha Christie's Murder on the Orient Express! Purchase tickets at the website link below. Famous detective Hercule Poirot is called back from Istanbul to London on urgent business. He intends to book a first-class compartment on the Orient Express, run by his former […]
Join artist Erik Ritter as he helps you paint this fun floral design! All ages & experience levels welcome! All supplies included.