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Dodge Brothers Club Annual Meet “Mid-America Prairie Tour”

Dodge Brothers Club Annual Meet “Mid-America Prairie Tour”

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Wilbert Square Event Center
931 25th Avenue
Brookings, SD 57006
June 9 @ 6:00 pm
June 14 @ 9:00 pm
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The Dodge Brothers Club (DBC) 36th Annual Meet, Mid-America Prairie Tour, will be in Brookings from June 9 – June 14, 2024.

DBC Inc. was founded for the research, restoration, and preservation of Dodge Brothers Motor Vehicles and Graham Brothers Commercial Vehicles from 1914 – 1938. These beautiful vehicles each has a story and their owners are happy to share that with all interested persons. There will be 25-35 antique vehicles making daily driving tours around the area and be back in town afternoons and evenings to explore Brookings.

The public is invited and encouraged to come out to a Show & Shine held on Friday, June 14th at the Wilbert Square Event Center parking lot from Noon to 4:00.

Visit www.dodgebrothersinfo.com for additional information.

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