A family walks under a wooden structure at McCrory Gardens surrounded by trees changing colors
McCrory Gardens Education Visitor Center
McCrory Gardens Education & Visitor Center
McCrory Gardens Education & Visitor Center
McCrory Gardens Education & Visitor Center

McCrory Gardens Education & Visitor Center

McCrory Gardens is a 25-acre botanical garden, plus 45-acre arboretum perched on the edge of campus, welcoming visitors to Brookings. The gardens are named after SDSU Professor S.A. McCrory who headed the horticulture department from 1947-1964.

The main formal display botanical garden is filled with a variety of different trees, shrubs, grasses, herbs, flowers, and native plants. The sprawling arboretum features trees and shrubs which are adapted to South Dakota’s climate.

Ongoing research continues to provide new information to the scientific community and the public on the introduction, cultivation, and arrangement of native and domesticated plants. The testing and evaluation of new woody plant selections and varieties in the climate of the northern Great Plains, initiated by Dr. N.E. Hansen almost three-quarters of a century ago, remains an integral part of our research mission.

About McCrory Gardens

In addition to being one the prettiest places in Brookings, it’s also a one-of-a-kind meeting and event destination. Consider bringing your event to McCrory Gardens! Learn more about their venue here.

McCrory Gardens is part of our Brookings Great 8 Passport program, encourging visitors and locals to explore our one-of-a-kind attractions.

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