Tourism is a broad and far-reaching industry which helps make Brookings the vibrant and exciting city we love. What would our community be without the Children’s Museum of South Dakota, the Dacotah Bank Center and Nick’s Hamburgers? With McCrory Gardens, the Dairy Bar and all the athletic events and campus visits, South Dakota State University is a major player in tourism as well. With that in mind, we invite you to celebrate National Travel & Tourism Week with us May 4 – 10, 2025 and we’ve got plenty of ideas. Best of all, there’s no cost for any of them!
#1 Light up Red for Tourism!
Rudolf has nothing on us! As you drive by the Visit Brookings office on 6th Street, you’ll definitely say it glows. We invite you to join us, Children’s Museum of South Dakota and others in showing your support by turning on your red lights May 4-10.
#2 Recognize a Brookings Great Face!

There’s something memorable about a smiling and friendly face, and Brookings has them all over. You know the ones: they work at your favorite drive-through or seat you when you go out to eat. Help give them a little love by sharing your great experiences. Our website www.visitbrookingssd.com has a special page dedicated to NTTW. The next time you have outstanding service, visit our website and tell us about it. We’ll highlight it on social channels and share the comments with the employees. There’s no better way to let them know how much we appreciate all they do for our community.
#3 Celebrate with us!
We are gearing up for 2025 NTTW. More information will be shared how you can celebrate with our office!

#4 Spread the Word!
Tourism is about creating memories, embracing new ideas and sharing experiences. We’ve got that and more in Brookings and we’re excited to inspire others to think about tourism in a new way. Every Brookings resident is an unofficial ambassador for our community. Show your community pride by telling others about the many things to see and do in town.
Follow our Facebook and Instagram for ideas or create your own messages telling everyone what a great community we call home.